January 2005 

Meeting of the West Central Ga Flying Club Board of Directors


The meeting was called to order by Doug Doran at 6:00pm.  All board members were present.  Reading of the minutes from November meeting was read by the Secretary.  Conrad moved to accept minutes as read 2nd by John Brazelton.

Treasurer’s report giving by treasurer Michael O'Dell. Conrad moved to accept report and 2nd by John.

Safety and maintenance report by Conrad. He discussed getting 100hr inspections done.  Doug asked Conrad to get estimate on cost and report back next meeting.  Doug gave Treasurer invoice from Ray's electronics. Doug stated he had Gerald to order plastic part for bottom of rudder.


No old business discussed.


New business:  Doug proposed that club pilot flying fees be paid by club when pilots fly for Toys for Tots or any event approved by Board of Directors.

Conrad made motion to pass proposal and John 2nd  Motion passed unanimously.

Doug Made motion to make Jeff Hayes Honorary member for the year 2005 and Merna Raines Honorary member for the year 2004. motion 2nd by John motion passed unanimously.

Discussion was held on making changes to flying rules.  Rules proposed to be changed were rule number seven. It should read

7          All student pilots must file with the FAA for flights over sparsely populated areas; mountainous, wooded or desert terrain; or for extended over water flight; and for all cross country flights; flight following must be requested.

10        This rule is stricken.

11        Changes to read:  Members with less than a private license shall not fly club aircraft when weather conditions are less than 1500 feet ceiling and 3miles visibility, or when the cross wind exceed 10 miles per hour.

13        Fuel tanks -----------------2 quarts from hanger or FBO and place in airplane.-------

14        Will now read .Each member must take a BI- Annual flight review every 24 months with a flight instructor designated by the Board of Directors------------

16         Club aircraft may not be used to give flight instructions to anyone except Club Members. No flight instruction may be given in the club airplane except by an approved flight instructor.

18.              amend to the end of 18 to say This pilot shall be approved by the Safety Officer or Chief Instructor.


Doug made a motion to accept changed flying rules as discussed John 2nd and was passed unanimously.

Discussion was made to make changes and amendments to By Laws.

Changes proposed are Article VI section 1 to read The quorum for all membership meetings shall be at least one third of the membership, including a total of at least ½ of fifty percent f the officers and or board members.


Article VII section 7 -----------  The Chief Flight Instructor shall be responsible for the planning and implementing of a comprehensive ground and flying safety program.--------

Article VIII section 3   Will read All board matters requiring a vote, must have a Board quorum of at least 2/3 Board members.---------

Motion by Doug to accept amendments and changes to By Laws as discussed 2nd by Conrad    and motion passed unanimously.


Discussion was held concerning member non participation in meetings and was felt that meetings could be made quarterly and change the day of meetings. Discussion was made to make quarterly meetings starting in March and the first meeting to be Sunday March 13th at 2:00pm. It was decided to keep Board meetings monthly and at same time and date.

Motion to dismiss was made by John and 2nd by Bill Kinard. Meeting adjourned.