A special meeting of the West Central Georgia Flying Club was held on December 10, 1995 with the following members present:

Gene Dillard
Bob Jenkins
Mark Jones
Pete Pettis
Rick Raines
David Tyler
Ronald VanHouten
Conrad Wagner

The meeting was called to order by President Rick Raines.  The minutes of the 12-02-95 regular meeting were approved as read.  The purpose of the meeting was to transfer the responsibility for the Club's business to the new slate of officers.  The first order of business was a discussion of maintenance authorization relative to the motion that was passed at the December 2 meeting.  Only an officer of the Club can request maintenance to the A.P.  All maintenance should be coordinated through the Maintenance Officer - Mark Jones.   There was a report of a grounding problem in the aircraft.  The problem would be investigated by the February meeting.

President Raines informed the members that a proposed three way split with the Chamber of Commerce relative to the April Fly-in was not agreed to.  The consensus of the members present was that the Club would participate in the Fly-in provided that some type of remuneration for the Club - hanger rental, etc., could be provided.

The next item of business was a decision by the Club to go ahead and place a deposit on a hanger for the Club's aircraft.  There were only three spaces left as of the meeting date.  The financial details of the Club's cost for hanger rental would be worked out at a later date.

The Fly-in scheduled for April 13 and 14 was discussed.  Mark Jones agreed to secure radios for the Club's use during the event.

Bob Jenkins reported that the Club had $4,100.00 in the bank including the engine reserve as of the meeting date and that there were 417 tach hours on the plane.

The procurement of some type of flying club software to be used by the Treasurer was discussed.  President Raines was to make some contacts for a demo disk.  The members agreed that the software would be loaded on the computer located at Gene Dillard's office.  There was general discussion relative to some of the members being behind on the payment of Club dues and flying fees. Those members determined to be in extreme default were to be contacted by Bob Jenkins.  The payment of fees and dues would be discussed at a later

The raising of monthly dues to $45.00 per month was discussed but no decision on the effective date of the increase was made.  The matter was tabled for further discussion at a future meeting.  The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, February 8, 1996, at 7:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.